Audacity deesser
Audacity deesser

On condensers, try to keep the distance between the singer’s mouth and the capsule of the microphone at around 8 inches. Don’t place the microphone too close to the singer’s mouth: Vocalist singing around two fists (8 inches) away from a condenser microphone. The age old recording cliche says “get it right at the source.” I can’t argue with that. One of the best ways to reduce sibilance in your vocal tracks is to capture less sibilance in the first place. Tackling Sibilance in the Recording Stage: I’m going to share some of my favorite de-essing tricks which can be used both during the mixing, and recording stages.

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“De-Essing” is the process of reducing the level of these sibilant sounds in order to make the vocal sound more pleasant. In other words, they make your mixes hard to listen to.

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Sibilance is the common name for some of the harsh sounds in the human voice such as “s,t,ch,th”. If not dealt with correctly, these sounds will cut through a mix in a very painful way. Over-sibilance is a problem with most recorded vocal tracks. Death To Sibilance: A Simple Guide To De-essing Vocals – By Thomas Brett

Audacity deesser