Republic navy officer star wars
Republic navy officer star wars

republic navy officer star wars

In this unique and interesting study, Dr. Men of the highest principles from young midshipmen at the Naval Academy to the most senior officers who had devoted their lives to the Navy-Raphael Semmes, Josiah Tarnall, Matthew Fontaine Maury, for example, resigned their commissions to cast their lot with the Confederacy.

republic navy officer star wars

Local, state and family ties ran very deep. These dire times confronted officers of Southern origin in the country's military service with an agonizing decision whether to remain under the "Old Flag" or leave and follow their section. While still less than a hundred years old in 1861, the nation stood on the brink of catastrophic civil war as states in the lower south followed South Carolina in seceding from the Union. Table III: Proportion of Officers "Going South"Īppendix: Data on Officers Resigning, Accepted and Dismissed Table II: USN Officer Resignations and Dismissals 1860 - 1861 by Months Table I: USN Officer Resignation and Dismissals April 1861 by Days

Republic navy officer star wars